Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Museum of Moving Image Blog

Museum of Moving Image
For my trip to the Museum of Moving Image, there were some rather fascinating exhibits that I visited during the trip that I felt were rather interesting to talk. One of them in particular was the Automated Dialogue Replacement booth. What was interesting about interacting with this was that it is used for dubbing lines. One example of this was used in a scene from the Movie Babe, in which the Audience was able to record their own voices as replacements for the dialogue which was rather cool to experience. It was interesting to find out that the dubbing of line is also used for cartoons and characters played by animals. I discovered that the reason ADR is used because of situations such as technical problems, unwanted noise such as outside noise and flubbed lines which were interesting to find out.
Another interesting exhibits that I interacted with, was the sound mixing booth which was rather exciting sine it was fun to tinker around with different sounds from clips such as the Simpsons and Terminator 2 Judgment Day. It is said that a feature film can contain thousands of sound effects which is rather interesting. In terms of how it used in media, the sound editor selects the sounds from a library and manipulates them to achieve the desired effect for the scene.
One of the last exhibits that I interacted with was the music demo, since it is rather relevant in media because music is rather important to the movie. What I mean by this, is that music can strongly affect the meaning or emotional impact of a scene. It does this by reinforcing the visuals, dialogue, and other sounds or, by creating a counterpoint. Other reasons for music’s importance in media, is that the soundtrack of a film can include original music, created by the composer, or existing music, which is selected by the music supervisor which is a rather cool fact.